The Permanent Diaconate: INTRODUCTION by Deacon Donat Davatz – LINK
As with other Holy Orders, the discernment process for permanent deacons involves both the candidate and the faith community. The Permanent Diaconate is open to married men 35 years or older, or to single men over 25 years of age. Deacons serve in the ministries of Charity, of the Word, and of the Altar. For more information, contact diocesan Vicar-General Fr. Kevin McGee at the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Saskatoon (306) 242-1500.
The first Permanent Deacons ordained in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon were the late Deacon Paul Wheeler, on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, May 26, 2024 (LINK), and Deacon Nicholas Blom, on the Vigil of the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, June 28, 2024 (LINK).
“The permanent diaconate, restored by the Second Vatican Council, in complete continuity with ancient tradition and the specific decision of the Council of Trent, has flourished in these last decades in many parts of the Church — with promising results, especially for the urgent missionary work of new evangelization.”
– 1998 Vatican declaration about the Formation of Deacons.