Vocation Co-Directors in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Father Colin Roy (croy@rcdos.ca) and
Father Daniel Yasinski (dyasinski@rcdos.ca).
Their focus is to reach out and support those who are discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life.
Sts. Benedict & Scholastica Formation Program: LINK
Verbum Dei sisters arrive in our diocese
Verbum Dei – Sr. Marta Piano of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity joined the diocese of Saskatoon in fall 2020 as an Apostolate Leader taking on various assignments in ministry. Sr. Marta (mpiano@rrcdos.ca or 306-659-5843) arrived from Rome, Italy, and began ministry on October 1, 2020.
The diocese has also welcomed Verbum Dei missionary Sr. Malou Tibayan from the Philippines as an Apostolate Leader collaborating with the diocese of Saskatoon in ministry. Sr. Malou (mtibayan@rcdos.ca or 306-659-5843) arrived in Saskatoon in December 2020.
The diocese is also looking forward to the arrival of Sr. Claudia Vázquez Díaz of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity, who will be joining in this ministry in the diocese. Sr. Claudia is originally from Mexico.
Verbum Dei ministry brochure – Page 1 / Page 2
Vocation reflections
Two priests in our diocese – Fr. Daniel Yasinski and Fr. Edward Gibney – share their journey toward priesthood:
Prayer For Vocations:
Heavenly Father,
bless your Church
with an abundance of
holy and zealous priests,
deacons, brothers and sisters.
Give those you have called to the married state
And those you have chosen to live as single persons
in the world, the special graces that their lives require.
Form us all in the likeness of your son so that in him,
with him and through him we may love you more deeply
and serve you more faithfully always and everywhere.
With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord.
Knights of Columbus Vocation Endowment
The Catholic Bishops of Saskatchewan have partnered with the Sask. K of C Charitable Foundation to create the Sask. K of C Vocations Endowment. The proceeds from this Endowment will be disbursed on an annual basis equally to each seminarian throughout all Saskatchewan Dioceses and Eparchy to help defray the $33,000 per year it costs to educate each Seminarian in the province. See The K of C Foundation website (Click here) for further details and to make a contribution.
The Bishops, dioceses, eparchy, Knights of Columbus and Catholic faithful thank you in advance for your generous support of the education and development of Seminarians through prayer and financial assistance.