In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus provides us with a way of being reconciled to God and to those we’ve hurt, and to be strengthened in our connection to God’s entire family.

First Reconciliation

As part of preparation for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist in about Grade 2, children in the Diocese of Saskatoon also make their first Confession, celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Please contact our local parish to find out more about First Reconciliation for children.

Find Parish contact information: Parishes in the Diocese of Saskatoon

PDF of “Sacramental Preparation for Young People”:  Sacramental Preparation Guidelines

Confession times

Please contact your local parish for Reconciliation / Confession times. Find a list of parishes at: Parishes in the Diocese of Saskatoon


The Beauty of Mercy – Pope Francis and Confession

Guideline for Confession – Knights of Columbus Resource (LINK)

For more information and resources about sacraments, sacramental preparation, catechesis and/or proclaiming the Gospel, please contact Marilyn Jackson, Director of Ministry Services at the Catholic Pastoral Centre: or (306) 659-5836.