“Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.” – Genesis 2:24

Marriage is more than a relationship, more than a friendship, more than a contract! In the Catholic Church, marriage is a sacrament — a visible sign of God in our world.

“It is a sacrament, because Jesus re-invested it with a grace and power that existed in ‘the beginning’, when God gave to the first human beings the grace of fidelity. Through God’s power, conferred in this sacrament, man and woman are enabled to live out faithfully their high calling to become ‘one body.'” –  At Home With God’s People by Fr. Bill O’Shea and Peter Gagen

The marriage covenant between a man and a woman is a way for both to grow in holiness, to be a sign of Christ’s sacrificial love, and to be truly life-giving in the world– including giving life to children. The sacrament of marriage is indissoluble, an action of God: “what God has united, man must not divide.” For all these reasons and more, the Church desires to assist and accompany couples as they discern and prepare for marriage.

Contact your parish:

A couple wishing to marry should contact their parish priest at least six to nine monthsbefore the anticipated date of the wedding. Marriage is a serious and sacred commitment, and preparing involves more than planning for the celebration alone! The journey to a couple’s wedding day also requires time, prayer, discernment and communication about what it will truly mean to live out a lifetime of love together in the Sacrament of Marriage. See: Parishes in the Diocese of Saskatoon

Marriage Preparation:

Marriage preparation programs are provided at various times during the year, both at local parishes and by supporting groups in the community. Find more information at: Marriage Preparation Programs