Announcing a new format for Adult Faith Formation featuring three unique elements – PROCLAIM, AWAKEN, and ENCOUNTER:

PROCLAIM is a movement where the diocese’s Evangelization & Mission Leader will accompany both parishes and individuals in a discipleship-making model for the purpose of multiplying missionary disciples. Individuals and parishes will learn how to develop and nurture small faith communities. Read More

AWAKEN will provide an opportunity for individuals to consider their call to share in the mission and life of the Lord. Four-session modules will be offered three times a year between September and May, with instruction that is grounded in Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Participants can choose to take part in one module or all three. Read More

ENCOUNTER features large group events to help create an environment for growth in discipleship and holiness. Upcoming events include a Transform Conference, a diocesan-wide Lenten retreat and “Flourish” (a speaker/dessert night). Read More

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