Adult Faith:
A new model of adult faith formation has been launched in the diocese of Saskatoon, with three elements:
Proclaim (helping parishes and individuals evangelize)
Awaken (faith formation & enrichment)
Encounter (large group events)
See for more about the Proclaim – Awaken – Encounter initiatives.
Small group faith sharing
Sunday Scripture Reflections by small faith groups: Join together as a family or small Christian group, at a parish council meeting, CWL gathering or K of C evening to reflect and pray together. These locally-created reflections feature faith-sharing questions about the Sunday readings. Choose from “All Readings” or “Gospel Only” deepening on the time available. Download the reflections at: Small Christian Community faith sharing
Apply for education funding
Education of Laity Fund: Each one of us by our Baptism to serve and to live as missionary disciples. As one way to invest in the ongoing faith education of lay Catholics, the Diocese of Saskatoon has an Education of Laity Fund. If you are an individual or part of a group that would like an opportunity to increase your education through a conference, course or program, which would benefit your ministry in the diocese, we would welcome an application for funding. Learn more at: Applying for education funding
Indigenous Pastoral and Lay Leader Ministry Education
Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education is a continuing education program for Catholic Indigenous and non-Indigenous clergy and lay ministers, led by teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous instructors, modelling respectful and reconciling relationships. The program is jointly sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, St. Thomas More College and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
Find more information / online registration at:
Catechism of the Catholic Church – ONLINE
The Catechism of the Catholic Church details the beliefs and teachings of our faith. This extensive publication can be found online at Catechism of the Catholic Church