Natural Family Planning (NFP) – Managing your fertility naturally
Teaching of the Church on Life Issues and Contraception
Read the Papal Encyclical “On Human Life” at: Humanae Vitae
Natural Family Planning – Serena Method
The Serena Method provides accurate information and complete instruction in Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning. The Sympto-thermal method as taught by Serena is extremely effective as a method of pregnancy prevention, yet free of side-effects commonly associated with contraceptive methods. Natural Family Planning is also effective when used by couples wishing to onceive or by those experiencing difficulty conceiving, as a means to pinpoint the optimal fertile time for conception.
For more information, contact Serena Saskatchewan by e-mail or see the website:
NFP Saskatchewan – Natural Family Planning (Billings)
The Natural Family Planning Association (Saskatchewan) is an non-profit organization whose purpose is to teach the Billings Ovulation Method of natural family planning. Billings Ovulation Method is a totally natural and affordable way to understand a woman’s fertility and to safeguard reproductive health. Using periodic abstinence, the method involves no drugs, no devices, no surgery, no side effects.
The Billings Ovulation Method was developed by Drs. John and Evelyn Billings, and is used by millions of women around the world. It is based on awareness of the woman`s natural signs of fertility and infertility, unmodified by any chemical, mechanical, or other artificial means.The Billings Ovulation Method has been validated by eminent international scientists and verified as extremely effective by the World Health Organization.
The Method takes advantage of the biological fact that women are infertile more often than fertile throughout their reproductive years. When a woman learns the Billings Ovulation Method, she learns to recognize the fertile and infertile phases within her menstrual cycle. This knowledge can be used to become pregnant, avoid pregnancy, and to safeguard reproductive health. Scientific studies indicate that with proper instruction and motivation, the Billings Ovulation Method in actual practice is 99.64% effective.
For more information about the Billings Ovulation Method contact: NFP Saskatchewan, Box 3807, Humboldt, SK. S0K 2A0, (306) 682-7771, or see:
Marquette Natural Family Planning Method
The Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a highly effective method of NFP that uses the Clearblue line of home-based fertility monitors to track women’s hormone changes throughout each menstrual cycle. Women using the Marquette Method of NFP track their reproductive hormone levels with a simple urine test, and do not need to track their mucus or daily temperature. The Clearblue fertility monitor helps to identify hormone surges as they happen, and provides an accurate and precise fertile window.
Louise Boychuk, BSN RN is a Marquette Method instructor and teaches the method to couples around the world — including those in Saskatchewan — using a secure video platform. Learn more about the Marquette Method at: