A couple wishing to marry should contact their parish priest at least six months ahead of the anticipated date of the wedding: List of Catholic parishes.

Diocesan Marriage Preparation new curriculum SUMMARY

For information about the new curriculum, contact Marilyn Jackson, Director of Ministry Services at the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Saskatoon: mjackson@rcdos.ca or 306-659-5836.

Diocesan Training Event was held for parish leaders (news item)

Preparing for marriage is a time of great joy. The Church celebrates with you. Your love for each other will be a sacrament – a living sign of God’s love for His people.

Marriage Formation is designed to give you practical tools for living your marriage with faithfulness and joy. As you come together to form a new family, remember that you are surrounded by a larger family in your faith community. We are here to support you as you embark on this wonderful journey. Invite Jesus into your wedding and into your home. When you do, expect miracles.

Parishes offering Marriage Preparation

New offerings will be posted as we receive them from parishes – please check with your local parish:  List of Catholic parishes

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Martensville, SK: For information, please contact the parish office at (306) 931-3111 or e-mail ihmp@rcdos.caImmaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Martensville, SK, presents a Marriage Preparation Course for engagstarting Jan. 9 and running weekly unitl Feb. 13. Registration deadline is Friday, Jan. 3. For more information or registration, contact Bev Demmert at (306) 519-0480.

Saint Anne Parish in Saskatoon offers a marriage preparation ministry called “Witness to Love” that offers engaged couples the opportunity to partner and journey with a mentor couple to prepare for a healthy, vibrant, lifelong, Christ-centred marriage. Instead of offering marriage preparation classes on certain evenings or weekends, you and your mentor couple together work through the Witness to Love materials on your own time. For more information visit https://saintannes.ca/ministries/marriage-planning/or call Daniel Pettipas at (306) 931-4700, Extension 224.

St. Paul Co-Cathedral, Marriage Preparation is offered at various times. For more information, contact Liz at marriageprep@stpaulcocathedral.ca or contact St. Paul Cathedral office, 720 Spadina Cr. E., Saskatoon at (306) 652-0033.

Cathedral of the Holy Family, Saskatoon:  For information about marriage preparation which is offered the first weekend in March, please contact Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon at (306) 659-5800 or info@holyfamilycathedral.ca.

Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon: For more information about marriage preparation, please call the parish at (306) 374-1425.

Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE)

Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) is an intensive weekend of preparation, in which each couple is offered the time and opportunity to question, examine, and deepen their relationship, share in community and be open to God’s plan. Topics covered during the weekend include; self-awareness, values and ideals, community, sexuality, communication, decision making, Natural Family Planning, vocations, sacraments, prayer and unity. Couples are given opportunities to learn more about one another as they engage in deep and meaningful discussions between themselves, dealing with all aspects of married life. A weekend stay is necessary to keep the atmosphere generated by the Encounter – away from the distractions of everyday lives. The weekend is designed to deepen and enrich relationships with one another, God, the Church and the World.


In the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, the Catholic Engaged Encounter weekends are held at St. Peter’s Abbey in Muenster, SK. Cost is $480 for the weekend and this includes all meals and accommodations.  The next weekend will be held March 28 to 30, 2025. Watch for information about future weekends at ceecanada.ca/humboldt-muenster or contact weekend organizers are Lynn and Wanda Freistadt at muenster@ceecanada.ca or (306) 373-8607.


Engaged Encounter weekends are also offered by Regina CEE at Briercrest Evangelical Seminary, Caronport, SKFor more information go to ceecanada.ca/regina  or please e-mail: eereginacc@gmail.com for information, or to register go to register4reginacee@gmail.com.  The next CEE dates at Caronport, SK are Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2025 OR June 20-22, 2025.