Truth and Reconciliation
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada issued 94 Calls to Action after a multi-year process of documenting what happened in the Indian Residential Schools that operated in Canada for some 150 years, and listening to experiences reported by survivors, their families, communities and anyone personally affected by the Residential School experience and its subsequent impacts. Churches were part of that TRC process, are addressed in the Calls to Action, and are committed to a path of reconciliation. Find out more at: Truth and Reconciliation
Bishop statements / letters related to residential schools
Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, the diocesan Indigenous Discernment Circle and its Granting Committee are now accepting applications for funding projects addressing Indigenous healing and reconciliation initiatives as part of the national $30-million commitment by the Catholic Bishops of Canada announced in September 2021.
Find more information at: and/or via the links below.
Indigenous Reconciliation Fund diocesan grant application process Donate to the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
Papal Visit 2022
Pope Francis visited the Indigenous Peoples of Canada July 24-29, 2022 on a penitential pilgrimage.
July 25, 2022 – Apology in Canada – Pope Francis’ message at Maskwacis (ENGLISH) / (FRENCH)
Overview of Papal Visit, with links to Pope Francis’ messages and homilies – Click here
The historic visit to Canada, focused on Indigenous healing and reconciliation, came after an earlier visit of Indigenous, Métis and Inuit delegations to the Vatican, when Pope Francis also apologized to Indigenous Peoples for Catholic involvement in residential schools:
Indigenous Pastoral and Lay Leader Ministry Education
Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education is a continuing education program for Catholic Indigenous and non-Indigenous clergy and lay ministers, led by teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous instructors, modelling respectful and reconciling relationships. The program is jointly sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, St. Thomas More College and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.
The Indigenous Ministry Education courses reflect the following:
- An overview of the features of Indigenous peoples in western Canada, with specific recurrence to the Saskatchewan context.
- An overview of the history and features of contact and relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples with specific reference to the Roman Catholic Church experience.
- Creation of a dialogue between Indigenous and Christian world views.
- Insight into the history that has shaped the complex nature of the relationships in the present day.
- Provide mutual sharing and hope for a respectful and harmonious future as children of God, who together seek beauty and good of all.
Find more information / online registration at:
Diocesan Council for Truth and Reconciliation
The Diocesan Council of Truth and Reconciliation is a sharing and consultative circle of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people providing guidance to the diocese of Saskatoon. It arises out of the promise made at the Saskatchewan Truth and Reconciliation Commission event held in Saskatoon during the summer of 2012. A number of projects and initiatives have been initiated and supported through the new diocesan council. Find out more at Diocesan Council for Truth and Reconciliation
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
In 2007, Bishop Albert LeGatt created the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon’s newest parish, Our Lady of Guadalupe, as the next step in the ministry that was provided by Guadalupe House for over 20 years. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Catholic parish for First Nations, Métis, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous peoples. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish offers an opportunity to experience the Catholic faith through the traditions and spirituality of Indigenous culture.
Find out more: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish