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Catholic Culture Dessert Night and Talk “From Tao to Now: Logos, Light, and Eikon”

January 10 @ 7:00 pm 10:00 pm

“From Tao to Now:  Logos, Light, and Eikon” with Fr. Gregory Hrynkiw:  please come to Rebuilding Catholic Culture’s 8th Annual Dessert Night and Talk on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025 at 7 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish,  12th St. and Wiggins Ave., Saskatoon (doors open at 6:30pm).

Fr. Gregory is a priest and hieromonk of the Saskatoon Eparchy and founder of the Hermitage of the Three Holy Hierarchs; he is also a theologian, teacher, retreat leader, and well-known speaker.  Fr. Gregory will give an exciting lecture on our quest to grasp the relation between the Logos-Christ and the human person, a quest intuited in ancient Chinese and Greek culture and that, departing from these traditions, has progressed through the mediums of light and eikon (image) to our present day. The talk will be followed by Catholic Culture’s famous cheesecake and brownie bar.

This event is free (but we gratefully accept a free will offering).  Space is limited: RSVP by contacting Celene Sidloski at (306) 715-1541 or csidloski@stmcollege.ca.