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Overnight warm-up location open at St. Mary Parish – ways to help

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In December, St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon opened the doors of its hall on 20th Street West as an overnight warm-up location, in partnership with the Salvation Army and with federal government funding.

Since Dec. 4, 2023, the warm-up location has been open at St. Mary’s hall from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. seven nights a week. With life-threatening frigid temperatures, the importance of having an overnight warm up location is more important than ever.

Ways to help:

  • Pray:

Please continue to pray for the guests of the site, for staff, and for everyone involved.

  • Advocate:

Take time to advocate for those in need: meet, inform, and/or work with elected officials at every level of government, with other helping agencies, and people of other faiths to take collective steps that will reduce poverty.

  • Donate:

Monetary donations to assist St. Mary Parish in continuing to provide outreach and support for those in the neighbourhood without access to many basic needs can be made in person, dropped off or mailed to St. Mary Parish, 211 Avenue O South, Saskatoon, S7M 2R6 (cheques can be made out to the parish with “Warm-up shelter” written in the memo line.) Those wishing to set up longer-term pre-authorized donations can call the parish office at (306) 244-2983 or e-mail Ryan Baker at to receive a pre-authorized giving form. E-transfers can also be sent to (please include your name and mailing address along with “Warm-up shelter” in the memo line). All donations over $20 will be issued a tax receipt.

Donations of needed items – including blankets, mitts, gloves, toques, and jackets – can be dropped off at St. Mary Parish Office during regular office hours, or any time at the Salvation Army, 339 Avenue C South, Saskatoon.

  • Volunteers

Volunteers are not yet needed: As this project is new, organizers are still discerning where volunteers might be able to serve most effectively. Contact Myron Rogal in the diocesan Office of Justice and Peace at to be kept up-to-date.



Indigenous Pastoral and Lay Leader Education: new session begins Jan. 9

By News

A new series of IPL online courses will be launched in our diocese, starting in January 2024:

The next course – Introduction to Contemporary Effects of Colonization: Social Justice” – will be offered online, 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm (SK time) on Tuesdays, Jan. 9, 2024 to March 5, 2024. REGISTRATION LINK

No prerequisite is required. Each course is 18 hours including out-of-class time commitment to additional reading and course work. The fee is $200 for each course.

Funding assistance and bursaries may be available for both clergy and laity – diocesan residents can apply for support through the diocesan Education of Laity Fund: LINK. (Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools may have funding assistance for teachers, please check with the school division.)


About the Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader program:

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, St. Thomas More College, and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools jointly launched Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education, a continuing education program for Catholic Indigenous and non-Indigenous clergy, lay ministers, educators and leaders, which is led by teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous instructors, modelling respectful and reconciling relationships.

The Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education Program includes:

  • An overview of the features of Indigenous peoples in western Canada, with specific reference to the Saskatchewan context.
  • An overview of the history and features of contact and relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples with specific reference to the Roman Catholic Church experience.
  • Creation of a dialogue between Indigenous and Christian world views.
  • Insight into the history that has shaped the complex nature of the relationships in the present day.
  • Provide mutual sharing and hope for a respectful and harmonious future as children of God, who together seek beauty and good of all.

Why take the program?

  • To participate in a concerted effort to answer the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action.
  • To learn about the history of the interaction between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples including the impact of Roman Catholic missionaries on Indigenous communities.
  • To discuss areas of culture convergence/divergence.
  • To further Catholic social and moral teachings.
  • ​To support the building of right relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Catholics in Western Canada.

Who should take this program?

  • Clergy
  • Lay ecclesial ministers
  • Catechists
  • Catholic school teachers
  • Youth
  • Family ministry leaders

Schedule and Registration:

The first four-course series has been offered twice, and included:

  • Introduction to First Nations Studies
  • Indigenous-Settler Relationship
  • Introduction to Contemporary Effects of Colonization
  • Introduction to Reconciliation: The Church and Indigenous Peoples

The second series begins in January 2024, and includes:

NOTE:  If participants complete all 8 courses, they earn a Diploma. (Diplomas, an increasingly popular option amongst post-undergraduate professionals, provide more in-depth knowledge of a field of study and are of longer duration than certificates).

The program sessions for each of the courses will be offered online only, with sessions offered from 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (SK time) on Tuesday afternoons. Participants will receive log-in information before the first session. (Each course is 18 hours including out-of-class time commitment to additional reading and course work. The fee is $200 for each course.)

Funding assistance and bursaries may be available for both clergy and laity – diocesan residents can apply for support through the diocesan Education of Laity Fund: LINK. (Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools may have funding assistance for teachers, please check with the school division.)

Indigenous Pastoral and Lay Leader Ministry Education Program graduates and leaders: Cohort Two certificates Dec. 2, 2023. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Second Cohort of IPL Program Presented with Certificates Dec. 2, 2023 LINK

Red Wednesday – prayers for persecuted Christians Nov. 22

By News

An ecumenical “Red Wednesday” service to pray for persecuted Christians, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 22, at Holy Covenant Evangelical Orthodox Church, 1426 Alexandra Avenue, Saskatoon.

Everyone is welcome.

Evangelical Orthodox Bishop Jakob Palm and Roman Catholic Bishop Mark Hagemoen are among those participating in prayer and reflection during the service.

Red Wednesday is a day of prayer, action and awareness about the persecution of Christians around the world.

Background: Be RED, Wear RED, Light RED – With establishment of Red Wednesday, the international Catholic aid organization Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has drawn attention to the fate of millions of persecuted, oppressed and threatened Christians worldwide. Since Red Wednesday was established, many countries around the world, cathedrals, churches, monasteries, monuments, and public buildings are illuminated in blood red around this day. Make a statement and take part by wearing red, learning more, and praying for those who are persecuted for their faith. Find more information at:

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) supports over 5,000 projects every year in around 140 countries, helping Christians to live their faith in situations where they are oppressed, or lack the necessary means to cover their pastoral needs.

If you have questions about the Saskatoon event, please contact Myron Rogal in the diocesan Office of Justice and Peace at the Catholic Pastoral Centre: or (306) 659-5841.

Justice and Peace is supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.

Fall Congress Oct. 19, 2023

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, News

Equipping the Church to support mental health and well-being was the theme of a one-day diocesan Fall Congress Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon. “

Keynote speaker for “The Lord Heals the Broken-Hearted and Saves the Crushed in Spirit” (Psalm 34:18) was Bryana Russell of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries.

Bishop Mark Hagemoen provided an overview of the updated diocesan Pastoral Plan during the Congress Day, and an afternoon panel discussion highlighted various helping and outreach ministries in the diocese of Saskatoon and the wider community,

Mental Health & Wellness Resources – PDF

Reflection on Congress Day by Marilyn Jackson – LINK to ARTICLE



SEARCH Retreat for High School Youth Nov. 10-12

By News

SEARCH for Christian Maturity live-in weekend retreat experience sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon will be held Nov. 10-12 at E.D. Feehan Catholic High School.

Deadline to register is Oct. 31, 2023; find more information at or register online at: LINK

The program is rooted in the Catholic faith and open to young people in Grades 10-12 of any denomination or creed. Cost is $100 (covers food and supplies for the whole weekend). If cost is an issue, bursaries are available; contact John Hickey at for information.

SEARCH provides an opportunity to think, talk, question and wonder about life and faith in an accepting and challenging environment.

It is an opportunity to experience God in a personal and real way.

The weekend is youth- and peer-oriented. It is run by young people for young people, under the guidance of a team of adult mentors.

The retreat starts on Friday evening Nov. 10 at 7: 30 p.m. and runs through Sunday afternoon, Nov. 12 at 3 p.m.

Youth are invited to come and experience a great weekend with SEARCH and see what God has in store!

(Youth Ministry in the diocese of Saskatoon is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.)

Clergy assignment, vocations, and parish re-organization update from Bishop Hagemoen

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, News

Pastoral assignments for clergy as of Aug. 1, 2023 were recently updated and confirmed by Bishop Mark Hagemoen.

PDF of July 28 Letter from Bishop – LINK

Parish re-organization affects two parishes in the diocese:  St. Mary Parish, Lanigan — now moved to the Wynyard pastoral region under pastor Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu — and Holy Rosary Parish, LeRoy — now moved to the Watson pastoral region under pastor Fr. Francis Akomeah. The Lanigan and LeRoy parishes were previously in a cluster of their own, based in Lanigan.

The bishop’s letter confirmed the following assignments:

Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu

Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu is appointed pastor of St. Mary Parish, Lanigan. Fr. Osei-Bonsu is also the pastor of parishes at Wynyard, Wishart, and Foam Lake, and resides in Wynyard.

Fr. Francis Akomeah

Fr. Francis Akomeah is appointed pastor of Holy Rosary Parish, LeRoy. Fr. Akomeah is also the. pastor of parishes at Watson, Englefeld and Quill Lake, and resides in Watson.

Fr. Daniel Louh, SMA

Fr. Daniel Louh is appointed pastor of Sts. Donatien & Rogatien Parish, Prud’homme; St. Denis Parish, St. Denis; and St. Philippe Neri Parish, Vonda. He will also continue as Pastor of Sts. Martyrs Canadiens Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. Charles Nweze

Fr. Charles Nweze is appointed pastor of the parishes of Immaculate Conception Parish, Major; Our Lady of Grace Parish, Dodsland; Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Kerrobert; and St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish, Luseland.

Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam, VC

Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam, VC is appointed pastor of St. Mary’s Parish, Macklin; Sacred Heart Parish, Denzil; and St. Donatus Parish, St. Donatus/Cactus Lake.

Fr. Daniel Yasinski

Fr. Daniel Yasinski is appointed pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Saskatoon. He will also continue in his role as Vocation Director, along with Fr. Colin Roy.

Fr. Rinesh Menambadath Chacko, VC

Fr. Rinesh Menambadath Chacko, VC is appointed pastor of St. James Parish, Wilkie; St. Paschal Parish, Leipzig; and Our Lady of the Assumption (St. Mary) Parish, Handel.

Fr. John Ezeoruonye

Fr. John Ezeoruonye is appointed pastor of St. Front Parish, St. Front; St. Felix Parish, Archerwill; St. Lawrence Parish, Nobleville; Christ the King Parish, Rose Valley; and St. George Parish, Naicam.

Fr. Paul Oshin

Fr. Paul Oshin is appointed pastor of the St. Peter’ Parish, Muenster; St. Scholastica Parish, Burr; and Holy Trinity Parish, Pilger. Fr. Oshin will also carry out pastoral duties in Humboldt.

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor is appointed pastor of St. Aloysius Parish, Allan; St. Mary’s Parish, Colonsay; St. Alphonse Parish, Viscount. Fr. Smith -Windsor will also serve as Associate Pastor (part-time) at Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon. Fr. Smith-Windsor will also be continuing to pursue further studies.

Fr. Andrew Wychucki

Fr. Andrew Wychucki is appointed associate pastor of St. Paul Co-Cathedral, Saskatoon.

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI is appointed associate pastor of St. Philip Neri Parish, Saskatoon.


Bishop Hagemoen also thanked priests leaving the diocese to take on new assignments:

  • Fr. Jean Baptiste Murhumwa, who most recently served as pastor of parishes at Prud’homme, St. Denis, and Vonda;
  • Fr. Binu Rathappillil, VC

    Fr. Binu Rathappillil, VC, who most recently served as pastor at Macklin, Denzil, and St. Donatus, who is pursuing studies in the United States;

  • Fr. Geoffrey Young

    Fr. Geoffrey Young, who most recently served as pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes, Saskatoon, who is serving on the formation team at St. Joseph Seminary in Edmonton for a three-year term.




“Please join in gratitude and prayer for all of these individuals and their ministry in our diocese. We ask for God’s blessings on them as they move forward to new assignments and endeavours,” said Bishop Hagemoen at the conclusion of his letter.


Vocations update:

Huy Le

Huy Le, first-year theologian, is currently residing at Saint Anne Parish, Saskatoon, and working at the Saskatoon Friendship Inn for the summer.

Van Tam (Luke) Tran

Luke Van Tam Tran has concluded his studies at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC, and is beginning an internship program, preparing him for ordination to the Diaconate and then to Priesthood. He is assigned to St. Mary Parish, Saskatoon.

Sr. Micheline Thibault

Sr. Micheline Thibault will make her first Temporary Profession of Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience in the Queenship of Mary Community in Ottawa on Aug. 15, 2023 and will begin her new life as a vowed religious.


Bishop announces a second round of pastoral appointments

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, News

Bishop Mark Hagemoen has announced a second round of pastoral appointments and changes in assignments for parishes across the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon for the upcoming ministry year. Most changes take effect July 30, 2023.

LINK to latest June 23, 2023 Announcement # 2 Letter – PDF

RELATED: The latest update follows a first round of appointments announced earlier in June: Link to ARTICLE.

“We continue to wait and pray for the international clergy who have been invited to serve with the Diocese of Saskatoon. We will announce further appointments and arrival details in due course.” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen in a letter sent to parishes and diocesan leaders June 23, 2023.

Clergy updates:

Fr. John Ezeoruonye has been appointed as associate pastor at Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. John Ezeoruonye, who has been serving as associate pastor at Humboldt, Muenster, Pilger and Burr parishes, will now serve as associate pastor at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon, alongside pastor Fr. Joseph Salihu.

Fr. Paul Oshin has been appointed pastor of parishes at Muenster, Burr and Pilger.

Fr. Paul Oshin, who has been serving northern parishes in the Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas will return to the Roman Cahtolic Diocese of Saskatoon to serve as pastor of St. Peter Parish, Muenster; St. Scholastica Parish, Burr; and Holy Trinity Parish, Pilger.

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor is appointed pastor of parishes at Allan, Colonsay and Viscount.

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor, who has been serving as pastor at Lanigan and LeRoy, will now be serving as Pastor of St. Aloysius Parish, Allan; St. Mary Parish, Colonsay; and St. Alphonse Parish, Viscount. He will also continue to pursue further studies.

Fr. Andrew Wychucki is appointed associate pastor at St. Paul Co-Cathedral in Saskatoon.

Fr. Andrew Wychucki, who has been serving as pastor at Allan, Colonsay and Viscount, will now be serving as associate pastor at St. Paul Co=Cathedral Parish in Saskatoon, alongside pastor/rector Fr. Stefano Penna.

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI, will serve as associate pastor at St. Philip Neri Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI, is appointed as associate pastor at St. Philip Neri Parish in Saskatoon, serving alongside pastor Fr. Michael Dechant, OMI.

Huy Le is a first-year theology student serving at Saskatoon Friendship Inn this summer.

First-year theology student Huy Le is residing at Saint Anne Parish, Saskatooon, and working at the Saskatoon Friendship Inn for the summer season.




Saskatchewan CWL provincial convention held in Saskatoon

By News

Catholic Women’s League members, spiritual advisors and a number of special guests gathered June 4 and 5 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon for the 75th annual Saskatchewan CWL provincial convention.

Themes: “Catholic and Living It” and “Walking Together”

The two-day program included talks by national CWL president Fran Lucas, speaking on the League’s theme “Catholic and Living It” from the perspective of relationships (June 4) and of servant leadership (June 5).

Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity was celebrated June 4 with Bishop Mark Hagemoen of Saskatoon, Bishop Stephen Hero of Prince Albert, Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, of St. Peter’s Abbey in Muenster and a number of CWL spiritual advisors.

Photo Gallery – LINK

Reflecting the provincial convention theme of “Walking Together” in reconciliation and understanding, the Mass during the CWL provincial convention June 4 included participation from members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Indigenous and Métis Catholic Parish in Saskatoon, with the First Nations tradition of smudging explained beforehand by parish Elder Sharon Genaille, praying in the four directions at the Great Amen, and music ministry led by the Our Lady of Guadalupe choir.

At a 75th anniversary reception and banquet that evening, Cristin Dorgan-Lee, principal of St. Michael Community School in Saskatoon reflected on Canada’s colonial history, the treatment of Indigenous Peoples, impact of the Indian Act, and the ongoing inter-generational legacy of pain and suffering caused by Residential Schools — as well as on the hope of the ongoing journey of “Walking Together” toward Truth and Reconciliation.

Awards and recognition were also part of the banquet program, including the presentation of a Maple Leaf Service Pin to Regina archdiocesan CWL president Janette Rieger, and of life memberships to Marge Appell and Helen Kayfish.

Fr. Peter Nnanga, MSP, was also recognized for his service as the provincial CWL spiritual advisor. That role will now be taken up by Fr. Francis Hengen, who was installed as provincial spiritual advisor at the closing Mass of the convention June 5.


Bishop announces pastoral appointments

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, News

Bishop Mark Hagemoen has announced a first round of pastoral appointments and changes in assignments for parishes across the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon for the upcoming ministry year. Most changes take effect July 30, 2023.

LINK to Announcement Letter – PDF

“We continue to wait and pray for the international clergy who have been invited to serve with the diocese of Saskatoon. We will announce further appointments and arrival details in due course,” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen in a letter sent to parishes and diocesan leaders June 2, 2023.

“Please join in gratitude and prayer for all of these individuals and their ministry in our diocese. We ask for God’s blessings on them as they move forward to new assignments and endeavours,” he said.

Clergy updates:

Fr. Geoffrey Young will begin a three-year appointment as formator at St. Joseph Seminary in Edmonton.

Fr. Geoffrey Young, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Saskatoon will be taking a new assignment as a formator at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Edmonton for a three-year-term.

Fr. Daniel Yasinski is appointed pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. Daniel Yasinski, who is presently serving parishes at Kerrobert, Dodsland, Luseland and Major, is now appointed the pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes in Saskatoon. He will continue his role as Vocation Director, along with Fr. Colin Roy.

Fr. Charles Nweze is appointed pastor at Kerrobert, Major, Dodsland and Luseland.

Fr. Charles Nweze, who is presently serving parishes at St. Front, Rose Valley, Archerwill, Nobleville, and Naicam, is now appointed pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Kerrobert; St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish, Luseland; Our Lady of Grace Parish, Dodsland; and Immaculate Conception Parish, Major. The pastoral coverage for the St. Front region will be announced shortly, said Bishop Hagemoen.

Fr. Jean Baptiste Murhumwa is leaving the diocese after several years of service.

Fr. Binu Rathappillil, VC, is leaving the diocese to pursue studies in the U.S.

In his update, the bishop thanked two priests who are leaving the diocese of Saskatoon, expressing gratitude for their years of service here: Fr. Jean Baptiste Murhumwa (presently pastor of parishes at Vonda, St. Denis, and Prud’homme) and Fr. Binu Rathappillil, VC, (presently pastor of parishes at Macklin, Denzil, and St. Donatus).

Fr. Daniel Louh will serve as pastor of parishes at Vonda, St. Denis and Prud’homme.

While continuing as pastor of Sts-Martyrs-Canadiens French Catholic Parish in Saskatoon, Fr. Daniel Louh, will now also serve as pastor of the Trinité pastoral region parishes of Sts. Donatien and Rogatien Parish, Prud’homme; St. Denis Parish, St. Denis; and St. Philippe Neri Parish, Vonda.


Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam, VC, is appointed pastor at Macklin, Denzil and St. Donatus.

Presently serving parishes at Wilkie, Handel and Leipzig, Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam, VC, is now appointed as pastor at St. Mary Parish, Macklin; Sacred Heart Parish, Denzil; and St. Donatus Parish, Cactus Lake.

Fr. Rinesh Menambadath Chacko, VC, will arrive soon and will minister at parishes in Wilkie, Handel, and Leipzig.

“Our diocese looks forward to welcoming Fr. Rinesh Menambadath Chacko, VC. Upon arrival, Fr. Rinesh will minister to the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Handel; St. James Parish, Wilkie; St. Paschal Parish, Leipzig,” added the bishop.


Seminarian internship:

Diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran starts an internship at St. Mary Parish, Saskatoon.

Having concluded his studies at Christ the King Seminary in Mission, B.C., diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran has started his internship year at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon, in preparation for ordination to the transitional diaconate and then to the priesthood.


Debbie Ledoux has retired as Parish Life Director of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Saskatoon.

Debbie Ledoux has recently announced retirement and concluded as Parish Life Director at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Saskatoon.

In an earlier message about Debbie Ledoux’s retirement, Bishop Mark Hagemoen noted the impact of her nine years of service as Parish Life Director of the diocese’s Indigenous parish. “I am particularly struck by her care and compassion in accompanying parishioners on a path of healing and reconciliation over many years and seasons,” said Hagemoen. “She has also led and accompanied us as a diocese as well in our walking together the path of reconciliation – particularly through her input on the Diocesan Council for Truth and Reconciliation and at many diocesan encounters and events.”

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish honoured Debbie Ledoux during a celebration April 23, 2023. (Photo by Fr. Kevin McGee).




Applications now being accepted for healing and reconciliation projects

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Indigenous Reconciliation Fund –

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, the diocesan Indigenous Discernment Circle and its Granting Committee are now accepting applications for funding projects addressing Indigenous healing and reconciliation initiatives as part of the national $30-million commitment by the Catholic Bishops of Canada announced in September 2021.

Find more information at: and/or via the links below.

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund diocesan grant application process DONATE to the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund


All grants are to be made in support of local projects and initiatives of:

  • Healing and reconciliation for communities and families.
  • Culture and language revitalization.
  • Education and community building.
  • Dialogues involving Indigenous elders, spiritual leaders and youth with focus on Indigenous spirituality and culture.
  • The diocese may seek support from or provide support to other dioceses and/or regions for projects that have impact beyond their diocese/region or are in excess of the committee’s budget.

General consideration and process will be as follows:

  • Sourcing of grants is the responsibility of the Discernment Circle and board.
  • All grants are to be made with Indigenous consultation based upon an assessment of the project’s merit and local value.
  • All recipients must be registered charities.
  • Projects and collaborations will be guided by integrity and align with miyo pimatisiwin and Catholic Social Teachings.
  • Grants will be made for up to 5 years.
  • Available funds are to a maximum of $250,000 per year over 5 years.
  • Preference will be given to initiatives that support legacy projects.
  • While the Granting Committee of the Discernment Circle guides the application process, approved grants will be made by the national “Indigenous Reconciliation Fund” directly to the recipient.

(Download application form and submit to Indigenous Discernment Circle Granting Committee, Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, 2nd floor, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1, or via e-mail to: for more information contact Myron Rogal at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 306-242-1500).

Discernment Circle Covenant Statement


NEWS - Discernment Circle unveils vision for national Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

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