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Enriching faith

“Developing Disciples of Christ” online workshop Jan. 15

By Enriching faith

Recognize how to effectively catechize in a way that advances the Church’s primary mission to evangelize — all are welcome to attend  “Developing Disciples of Christ,” a free catechist workshop Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Pre-registration is required, please go to:


This event will use recordings from the diocesan Fall Congress 2024, featuring Julianne Stanz.

Faith Formation is the responsibility of the whole parish so gather your fellow parishioners and join in this opportunity. Anyone who was not able to attend Fall Congress in October will have the opportunity to view the recording and participate in a group discussion. Even those who attended Congress may want to review the materials again. Additional worksheets will be provided to anyone who registers for this workshop.



Called & Gifted™ Introductory Workshop: Discern your gifts!

By Enriching faith

The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process from the Catherine of Siena Institute is offered in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon.   Called & Gifted™ diocesan brochure: PDF

An Introductory Workshop is the first of three steps in the process. All lay parishioners, priests and religious are invited to begin the journey of discerning the charisms/gifts God has given uniquely to each of us. God has distributed His gifts in accordance with the purpose and plan He has for each one of us to share in the building up of His Kingdom and His people. Whether in our homes, parishes or workplaces, these gifts are indispensable to our accomplishing His purposes.

For more information, contact Sr. Malou Tibayan at (306) 371-7434.

The Called and Gifted process and other Adult Faith programs in the diocese are supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal (LINK).

Hosting Called & Gifted™ at Your Parish

All three parts of the process are necessary for discovering where you are gifted:

  • STEP 1 – The CALLED & GIFTED™ INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted™ workshop, participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory.
  • STEP 2 – The ONE HOUR GIFTS INTERVIEW with a trained interviewer is available in-person or virtually through the Called & Gifted Diocesan team or through the Catherine of Siena Institute.
  • STEP 3 – DISCERNMENT IN DEPTH is a guided experience of intentional discernment in a small group setting. In four sessions over a period of six to eight weeks, you will develop charism experiments, evaluate your results, and put into practice what you learned about discernment.

Recent articles:

Called and Gifted mission trip to the Philippines in January 2025 – ARTICLE

Called and Gifted presented at St. Augustine Parish, Humboldt – ARTICLE

Called and Gifted presented at St. Theresa Parish, Rosetown – ARTICLE

Called and Gifted Discernment: Prayerful guidance of charisms continues in the diocese of Saskatoon – ARTICLE

Called and Gifted discernment of gifts of the Holy Spirit continues in diocese – ARTICLE

Testimonies reflect the impact of the Called and Gifted discernment of spiritual gifts –ARTICLE

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” – St. Catherine of Siena

Enkindle Advent Retreat – Dec. 7

By Enriching faith

ENKINDLEA diocesan Adult Faith Formation “Encounter” event to enter more fully into the season of Advent will be held 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon.

Presented by sisters of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity who are serving in our diocese, the Enkindle Advent Retreat will feature prayer and reflection to assist participants in spiritually preparing for Christmas.

Cost is $30/ person, which includes lunch.

Register online at or contact Adult Faith Coordinator Astrid Alas at or (306) 659-5858.

Indigenous Pastoral and Lay Leader Ministry Education (IPL) begins Sept. 24

By Enriching faith

A new series of courses in the diocesan IPL program started in 2024.

The next course –  “Introduction to Inuit Studies” – will be offered online, 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm (SK time) on Tuesdays, Sept. 24 to Nov. 19, 2024. REGISTRATION:  LINK

IPL is led by teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous instructors, modelling respectful and reconciling relationships.

No prerequisite is required. Each course is 18 hours including out-of-class time commitment to additional reading and course work. The fee is $200 for each course.

More information:

Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education is a continuing education program for Catholic Indigenous and non-Indigenous clergy and lay ministers, led by teams of Indigenous and non-Indigenous instructors, modelling respectful and reconciling relationships. The program is jointly sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, St. Thomas More College and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.

The Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry Education Program includes:

  • An overview of the features of Indigenous peoples in western Canada, with specific reference to the Saskatchewan context.
  • An overview of the history and features of contact and relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples with specific reference to the Roman Catholic Church experience.
  • Creation of a dialogue between Indigenous and Christian world views.
  • Insight into the history that has shaped the complex nature of the relationships in the present day.
  • Provide mutual sharing and hope for a respectful and harmonious future as children of God, who together seek beauty and good of all.

Why take the program?

  • To participate in a concerted effort to answer the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action.
  • To learn about the history of the interaction between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples including the impact of Roman Catholic missionaries on Indigenous communities.
  • To discuss areas of culture convergence/divergence.
  • To further Catholic social and moral teachings.
  • ​To support the building of right relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Catholics in Western Canada.

Who should take this program?

  • Clergy
  • Lay ecclesial ministers
  • Catechists
  • Catholic school teachers
  • Youth
  • Family ministry leaders

Schedule and Registration:

NOTE:  Participants completing all eight courses will earn an Indigenous Pastoral & Lay Leader Ministry diploma.

The program sessions for each of the courses will be offered online only, held from 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (SK time) on Tuesday afternoons. Participants will receive log-in information before the first session.

Each course is 18 hours including out-of-class time commitment to additional reading and course work.

Funding assistance and bursaries may be available: Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools staff can check with GSCS administration; in the diocese of Saskatoon bursaries for both clergy and laity are available – diocesan residents can apply for support through the diocesan Education of Laity Fund: LINK.

Sts. Benedict and Scholastica Formation Program accepting applications

By Enriching faith

Sts. Benedict & Scholastica Formation Program is a diocesan discernment and formation opportunity for both men and women who are pursuing an academic and vocational pathway related to ordained ministry, religious life, or professional lay ecclesial ministry.

Applications are now being accepted for fall 2024.

The program consists of two components:

  1. Pursuit of a B.A. with a major in philosophy through St. Thomas More College (STM) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) or another approved academic program.
  2. A program of personal and spiritual formation offered by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon while living in community, known as the Sts. Benedict & Scholastica Formation Program. 

For more information contact Sr. Malou Tibayan at

Information BROCHURE: PDF

Video introduction:

Date Night married and engaged couple enrichment May 25

By Enriching faith


An adult faith Date Night for married and engaged couples will be held 7:00 pm Saturday, May 25 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon, featuring Rita and Daniel Taylor speaking on “Learning to Let God Lead.”

Tickets are $20/ couple; please register at: or if you have questions, call adult faith coordinator Astrid Alas at (306) 659-5858.

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Loving Through Loss – Couples workshop

By Enriching faith
Saturday, April 20: Couples are invited to deepen their understanding of how the trauma of losing a child affects the family dynamic and how to love each other through the complexity of loss. The workshop facilitates a safe space for couples to enter into the vital questions pivotal in moving forward towards healing.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon presents “Loving Through Loss” Couples Workshop 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 20,  2024. This is offered through Red Bird Ministriesand will be held at the Catholic Pastoral Centre library, located on the 2nd floor of the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon (corner of Attridge Drive and Forestry Farm Park Drive).

To register, go online to:

For more information, contact chapter leader Marilyn Jackson, or (306) 659-5836. Cost: $50/couple.

(Note: individual registrations are also welcome: contact for more information.)

Lenten Retreat March 9

By Enriching faith

“BELOVED” – A diocesan adult faith “Encounter” Lenten Retreat will be held 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9, 2024 at Queen’s House, 601 Taylor St. W. Saskatoon. Registration: LINK

Retreat leader is Fr. Joseph Salihu, presented by the diocesan Adult Faith program; cost $30 (includes lunch).

To register online, please go to: or contact Adult Faith Coordinator Astrid Alas at or (306)659-5858.

“Beloved, Let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. In this way the love of God has been revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him.” 1 John 4: 7-9.

Awaken webinar: “Everyday Apostles: Ordinary Methods to Help You Share an Extraordinary Message”

By Enriching faith

The diocesan Awaken adult faith program presents a four-part winter webinar 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on four Tuesdays: Feb. 20, Feb. 27, March 5, and March 12, 2024.

“Everyday Apostles: Ordinary Methods to Help You Share and Extraordinary Message” – the world tells you to be quiet about your faith, that it is just personal and not meant to be shared. Yet Christ calls us to make “disciples of all nations” – so how do we actually do it? You are invited to learn new mindsets, skills, and habits on how to share your faith with those around you in this online Revive course hosted by Ryan O’Hara, presented through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon Awaken adult faith pogram. Cost: $20/person for the series of all 4 sessions


(Awaken adult faith is supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal)

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, Enriching faith

Message from Bishop Mark Hagemoen for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – (LINK to PDF)

From Jan. 18 to Jan. 25, Christians all over the world are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity, holding special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services during the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Message from Bishop Mark Hagemoen – Jan. 8, 2024, Baptism of Our Lord

To Clergy, Religious, & Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Saskatoon:

During the week of January 18 to 25, our diocese joins with Christians around the world to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, asking the Holy Spirit to bring us together in ever-greater unity to give witness to the Gospel. On the night before he died, Jesus prayed that his followers “may all be one” as He and the Father are one, in order that the world might believe (John 17). Our witness to the world is especially powerful when Christians from many traditions join together in prayer, solidarity and action.

Praying for Christian unity is an ecumenical practice going back at least to the Lambeth Conference of 1867. Churches around the world began using the now established resources in 1968. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches and have published the resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024.

The theme of the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is from Luke 10:27: “You shall love the Lord your God… and your neighbour as yourself.” This scripture passage calls upon all Christians and people of good will to reflect on the relationships in our lives of striving to love our Lord and God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind – and how this is lived out in how we actually love one another. In these times of large-scale political and social anxiety, anger, and mistrust, and increasing polarization and conflict, Jesus directs us to reflect on how the Greatest Commandments direct our allegiance to God in our commitment to live and act like Him. This is a call to bring to bear all charity, mercy and forgiveness, justice, and commitment to unity. We need to seek the impossible path of Jesus Christ, who renders what seems to be impossible… possible! (see Luke 18:27)

As we prepare to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we are asked to reflect on the following questions:

  1. How can we live our unity as Christians so as to confront the evils and injustices of our time?
  2. How does Jesus Christ – who is the greatest Love the world has known – inspire and call each of us in the coming New Year to be a channel of His peace, love, and hope for the world?
  3. How can we engage in dialogue – for the sake of increased awareness and insight about one another’s experiences of the journey from brokenness to forgiveness and healing?

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity not only reminds us that Jesus Christ is the one Saviour of all peoples and nations, but also that there is great blessing and new life when those of many families of faith come together in wonder, praise, and commitment to follow the One true Lord and Saviour.

For further information and resources, please see the resource jointly prepared and published by the Pontifical Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches: LINK to PDF.

Let us pray in the words of one of the resources available for this week:

Lord Jesus, who prayed that all might be one,

we pray to you for the unity of all Christians,

according to your will, according to your means.

May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division,

to see our sin and to hope beyond all hope. Amen

As we begin this New Year 2024, let us renew our commitment to educate ourselves and others regarding the goal and work of ecumenism.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. Mark A. Hagemoen

Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon


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