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Awaken webinar: “Everyday Apostles: Ordinary Methods to Help You Share an Extraordinary Message”

The diocesan Awaken adult faith program presents a four-part winter webinar 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on four Tuesdays: Feb. 20, Feb. 27, March 5, and March 12, 2024.

“Everyday Apostles: Ordinary Methods to Help You Share and Extraordinary Message” – the world tells you to be quiet about your faith, that it is just personal and not meant to be shared. Yet Christ calls us to make “disciples of all nations” – so how do we actually do it? You are invited to learn new mindsets, skills, and habits on how to share your faith with those around you in this online Revive course hosted by Ryan O’Hara, presented through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon Awaken adult faith pogram. Cost: $20/person for the series of all 4 sessions


(Awaken adult faith is supported by gifts to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal)
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