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June 2023

Four acolytes instituted by Bishop Mark Hagemoen

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

Another step on a journey of discernment and formation was celebrated on the Vigil of the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, June 28, 2023 at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon, as three candidates for the permanent diaconate and a diocesan seminarian were instituted to the ministry of acolyte.

Bishop Mark Hagemoen presided at the institution of acolyte celebration for permanent diaconate candidates Nicholas Blom, Ryan LeBlanc, and Paul Wheeler, and for diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran.

Four acolytes were officially instituted by Bishop Mark Hagemoen June 28 in a celebration at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon: (from l-r) diaconate candidates Paul Wheeler and Ryan LeBlanc; Saskatoon Bishop Mark Hagemoen; St. Mary pastor and Vicar General Fr. Kevin McGee; diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran; and diaconate candidate Nicholas Blom. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

“Acolyte” derives from a Greek term, akolouthos, meaning “attendant” or “server.” In the Roman Catholic Church, a person is installed in the ministry of acolyte in order to assist the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially the Eucharistic liturgy.

Candidates for diaconate and for priesthood must receive the ministry of acolyte, and exercise it for some time, before receiving holy orders.

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal states: “The acolyte is instituted for service at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon. It is his place principally to prepare the altar and the sacred vessels and, if necessary, to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful as an extraordinary minister.” (GIRM 98)

It is appropriate that the institution of the four new acolytes was celebrated at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon, noted St. Mary pastor Fr. Kevin McGee, Vicar General for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, who has also been journeying with those discerning ordination as permanent deacons in the diocese. Both Nicholas Blom and Paul Wheeler are St. Mary parishioners, and Ryan LeBlanc serves as teacher-chaplain at E.D. Feehan High School, which is a Catholic school served by St. Mary Parish. As well, diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran has just started a pastoral internship year at St. Mary Parish.

Seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran, and permanent diaconate candidates Ryan LeBlanc, Paul Wheeler, and Nicholas Blom (left to right). (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


In his homily, Bishop Mark Hagemoen reflected on the role of acolyte. He noted that some may have heard more about the ministry of acolyte in January 2021, when Pope Francis announced a change in canon law to make the ministries of both lector and acolyte permanent in the life of the church, as well as officially opening both ministries to both men and women.

Since that announcement, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has been developing a theological and liturgical treatise about the ministry of acolyte, as a resource to making this a permanent ministry in the life of the Church, added Hagemoen.

However, the institution of these particular four candidates as acolytes is undertaken in the context of their “journey of ordination to the clerical status in the life of the Church; to diaconate and to priesthood,” he noted.

“The call and discernment for ministry in the Church occurs at the intersection of several components – the Church’s need, personal attributes and gifts, a desire to consecrate oneself to God through service to God’s Church and ministry, a call to ministry by the Church,” Hagemoen said, citing the reflection by the CCCB, and noting that the ministry is not merely about one’s own journey and giftedness, but is instituted within a discernment by the wider Church.

“The ministry of the acolyte is connected to the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is a part of the Church’s mission to the body of Christ,” he added. “The Eucharist is the theological foundation of the Church’s mission for the acolyte, for the acolyte serves not only the sacrament of the altar, but also the sacrament of the ecclesial body of Christ. We gather for the Church’s source and summit of Holy Communion, so that we may meet Jesus, receive Jesus, and become what we receive and then go forth to be for others what we have received.”

(Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Citing the CCCB resource, the continued: “The spirituality of the acolyte is shaped by his or her service on behalf of the liturgical prayer of the community. It is the Eucharist in the broadest sense. The acolyte strives to be moulded more perfectly in the likeness of the Lord’s sacrifice, in giving his body and his blood for us and for our salvation. Thus a Eucharistic spirituality is for others. As the acolyte offers himself daily to God as a spiritual sacrifice, acceptable to him through Jesus Christ, he is reminded to be obedient to the Great Commandment – Love one another as I have loved you – by showing sincere love for Christ’s mystical body, for all God’s holy people, especially the weak and the sick. In doing this, the acolyte strives to make his life worthy of the service at the table of the Lord and of his Church. The acolyte enters more deeply into the Eucharistic mystery, more deeply into the life of the Eucharistic community as he shares the One Bread with brothers and sisters, he forms one body with them, sharing the joys and hope, as well as their grief and much anguish. Acolytes share a deep solidarity with the people of God because theirs is a community nourished by the Body of Christ, united in Christ and animated by the Holy Spirit in the pilgrimage from this life to the Father’s kingdom.”

The ministry is not about function first, but about a vocational call, said the bishop, “a relationship with the life and ministry and mission of Jesus Christ and his Church.” In terms of function, an acolyte is appointed to aid the deacon or priest in service of the altar and at the celebration of Mass. Other possible functions of the acolyte, when needed: distribution of communion, exposition and repose of the Blessed Sacrament, instruction of others to assist in liturgical celebrations, distribution of communion to the sick, and to celebrate or preside over Liturgy of the Word with distribution of communion when Mass is not available.

Institution to the ministry of acolyte followed the homily.

(Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


Candidates for the permanent diaconate Ryan LeBlanc, Paul Wheeler, and Nicholas Blom (l-r) were instituted to the ministry of acolyte. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


Diocesan seminarian Luke Van Tam Tran is now an acolyte. He recently started a pastoral internship at St. Mary Parish in Saskatoon as he continues to discern a vocation to ordained priesthood. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


(Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Video of Bishop Mark Hagemoen homily:


Celebrating 100th anniversary of St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Allan, SK

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

St. Aloysius Church in Allan, SK, was officially blessed 100 years ago on June 21, 1923. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Related Article: More than a century of faith in Allan, SK

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

Established in the early days of the 20th century, St. Aloysius Parish in Allan, SK, gathered with then-Prince Albert Bishop Joseph Prud’homme for the official blessing of their church building on June 21, 1923, the feast day of their patron saint, St. Aloysius Gonzaga.

One hundred years later, St. Aloysius parishioners past and present gathered with Saskatoon Bishop Mark Hagemoen, pastor Fr. Andrej (Andrew) Wychucki and Fr. Joseph Jacek, OMI, on June 25, 2023, to mark 100 years of faith, witness and service.

The centennial of the church building is an opportunity to celebrate the faith and commitment of those who founded the parish and built the church as a “community of vision and hope,” said Bishop Hagemoen in his homily.

The milestone is also a timely call to look ahead to the next 100 years, and consider how the parish can continue to be a beacon of faith and hope in the future, the bishop added, pointing to the words of the Sunday gospel which begins with Jesus Christ saying “Fear no one.”

“There is a lot of fear out there,” Hagemoen said, but in spite of difficulties and sin, the God of the universe “wills to bless and save us.”

Pastor Fr. Wychucki and Bishop Hagemoen (l-r)

“The next 100 years, God wants to work in you, to continue to have the mind and heart of Jesus Christ,” he said, in particular addressing the youth and noting: “you stand on the shoulders of giants,” including parents, grandparents and other community members. “They bring a memory and a heart and a spirit and a hope that we must build on.”

“The Holy Spirit is alive and well,” the bishop noted. “What God needs from us is faithfulness… Let us not give up hope.”

VIDEO: Bishop Hagemoen homily:

At the centennial Mass June 25, 2023, parishioner Bob Boehn proclaimed the First Reading, Anne Moldenhauer led the Psalm, Marie Grumetza proclaimed the Second Reading, Ken Moldenhauer sang the Gospel Acclamation and Kathy Pasternak led the Prayer of the Faithful.

Fr. Joseph Jacek, OMI, who was born and raised in the area — and served at St. Aloysius Parish for a time — proclaimed the Gospel.

Originally served by the Oblates, St. Aloysius Parish in Allan has also been served by diocesan priests and international missionary clergy in recent years.

Originally from Poland, St. Aloysius pastor Fr. Andrzej (Andrew) Wychucki was ordained 25 years ago in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. He has been the pastor of parishes at Allan, Colonsay, and Viscount since August 2021, in addition to serving as hospital chaplain.

As of August 2023, Fr. Wychucki will serve as associate pastor of St. Paul Co-Cathedral in Saskatoon, and diocesan priest Fr. Gregory Smith-Windsor will be the new pastor of parishes at Allan, Colonsay and Viscount.

Following the centennial Mass, Parish Pastoral Council Chair Ken Moldenhauer delivered thanks to all in attendance, and read a message from former pastor Fr. Michel Bedard, now retired in Saskatoon.

“Some 20 years have passed since my departure from the parishes of Allan, Blucher, and Colonsay,” wrote Fr. Bedard. “We did much important work together for parish and community. I remember lighting the church steeples on Saturday evenings for two short hours letting you all know I was available at the confessional if you so needed.” Bedard continued: “Time passes quickly – that is why it is important to use it wisely. The church building is a reminder of the many sacrifices made by your ancestors. Be filled with gratitude and pray each day for them. My prayers are with you today and always.”

Ken Moldenhauer also shared information about a fund-raising project to repair St. Aloysius Church’s windows (donations labelled “Church window project” can be sent to St. Aloysius Church, Box 220, Allan, SK S0K 0C0 or e-transferred to

The celebration continued with a brunch provided by the parish Knights of Columbus council n the nearby Allan Parkland Community Hall. A number of historical photographs and documents were on display at the hall, and during the meal a group of parishioners presented a song about the priests who have served the parish over the past 100 years.

Photo gallery: LINK

A short history of the parish was included in the bulletin:

The first Catholic settlers arrived in the district of Allan in the early part of 1903. All came from German-speaking colonies in Russia, either directly, or from the United States. They were immediately contacted by Missionary Oblate priests residing in Saskatoon

By 1906, the first Catholic Church named St. Aloysius was built southwest of the present town of Allan. In 1910, that church building was moved into town, and in 1914, Bishop Pascal issued documents officially creating St. Aloysius Parish of Allan. Plans to build the current church began in 1914. The basement was built in 1915, and a temporary roof was added. Church services ere held in the basement chapel from August 1915 until October 1922. During those years, the former church building was converted into the first parish hall.

In November 1921, blueprints and estimated costs of $35, 000 to complete building the current church were approved. Construction started in 1922. The cornerstone was blessed by Prince Albert Bishop Joseph Prud’homme on Sept 3, 1922, and the first Mass was celebrated in the newly-completed church on Oct. 12, 1922. The church building was officially blessed by Bishop Prud’homme on St. Aloysius’ Feast Day June 21, 1923.

SOURCE: Times Past to Present p 91-96












Bishop announces a second round of pastoral appointments

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog, News

Bishop Mark Hagemoen has announced a second round of pastoral appointments and changes in assignments for parishes across the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon for the upcoming ministry year. Most changes take effect July 30, 2023.

LINK to latest June 23, 2023 Announcement # 2 Letter – PDF

RELATED: The latest update follows a first round of appointments announced earlier in June: Link to ARTICLE.

“We continue to wait and pray for the international clergy who have been invited to serve with the Diocese of Saskatoon. We will announce further appointments and arrival details in due course.” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen in a letter sent to parishes and diocesan leaders June 23, 2023.

Clergy updates:

Fr. John Ezeoruonye has been appointed as associate pastor at Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. John Ezeoruonye, who has been serving as associate pastor at Humboldt, Muenster, Pilger and Burr parishes, will now serve as associate pastor at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon, alongside pastor Fr. Joseph Salihu.

Fr. Paul Oshin has been appointed pastor of parishes at Muenster, Burr and Pilger.

Fr. Paul Oshin, who has been serving northern parishes in the Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas will return to the Roman Cahtolic Diocese of Saskatoon to serve as pastor of St. Peter Parish, Muenster; St. Scholastica Parish, Burr; and Holy Trinity Parish, Pilger.

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor is appointed pastor of parishes at Allan, Colonsay and Viscount.

Fr. Greg Smith-Windsor, who has been serving as pastor at Lanigan and LeRoy, will now be serving as Pastor of St. Aloysius Parish, Allan; St. Mary Parish, Colonsay; and St. Alphonse Parish, Viscount. He will also continue to pursue further studies.

Fr. Andrew Wychucki is appointed associate pastor at St. Paul Co-Cathedral in Saskatoon.

Fr. Andrew Wychucki, who has been serving as pastor at Allan, Colonsay and Viscount, will now be serving as associate pastor at St. Paul Co=Cathedral Parish in Saskatoon, alongside pastor/rector Fr. Stefano Penna.

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI, will serve as associate pastor at St. Philip Neri Parish, Saskatoon.

Fr. Doug Jeffrey, OMI, is appointed as associate pastor at St. Philip Neri Parish in Saskatoon, serving alongside pastor Fr. Michael Dechant, OMI.

Huy Le is a first-year theology student serving at Saskatoon Friendship Inn this summer.

First-year theology student Huy Le is residing at Saint Anne Parish, Saskatooon, and working at the Saskatoon Friendship Inn for the summer season.




Bishop Hagemoen joins annual celebration at historic Grosswerder church

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

By Fr. Binu Rathappillil VC, Pastor at Macklin, Denzil and St. Donatus

The annual pilgrimage to the historic St. Anthony Church at Grosswerder, SK, was held on June 13, 2023 to honour St. Anthony of Padua and the pioneers who built the church in 1912.


Five area priests joined Bishop Mark Hagemoen for the annual celebration at St. Anthony Church, Grosswerder June 13, 2023 (l-r): Fr. Ed Gibney, pastor at Biggar and Landis; Fr. Dan Yasinski, pastor at Kerrobert, Major, Dodsland and Luseland; Bishop Mark Hagemoen; Fr. Binu Rathappillil, VC, pastor at Macklin, Denzil and St. Donatus; Fr. Greg Roth, pastor at Unity and Tramping Lake; and Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam, VC, pastor at Wilkie, Leipzig and Handel. (Submitted photo)

A group of volunteers continues to preserve and maintain this beautiful cemetery site and the church building, which was closed in 1982.

This year, a procession led by three flag-bearing horse riders, followed by a St. Anthony shrine statue and a vintage tractor pulling a trailer carrying Bishop Mark Hagemoen and five priests from the area, who traveled from the Ollenberger farm to St. Anthony Cemetery.

After the cemetery blessing, the procession continued on to St. Anthony’ Church and was greeted by bells ringing and a full church, where everyone gathered, worshipped, and enjoyed fellowship following Mass — just as in the pioneer days.

Photo gallery:

History of St. Anthony Church, Grosswerder

By Naden Hewko, St. Mary Parish, Macklin

[Excerpts from a report by Naden Hewko about the 2019 celebration, previously published on Catholic Saskatoon News – LINK]

The annual celebration Catholics at Grosswerder has been around since 1907 when the settlers arrived. These were brave souls who left their homes in southern Russia and immigrated to Grosswerder, SK.

These pioneers were part of a larger group known as St. Joseph Colony, which settled in the area from Leipzig, through Tramping Lake, to Grosswerder and across to the Alberta border.

This particular district of the St. Joseph Colony was named Grosswerder after the home village in southern Russia of some of the settlers. The families in the area were devout Roman Catholics who gathered in their homes to pray. As they wished to have a church to worship in they built a small, sod church and named it in honour of St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of settlers from another village.

The men hauled poplar poles from Sounding Lake with their wagons and oxen to build the roof. This was covered with sod and leaked when it rained. A lumber addition to the building was built, but that also became too small. The people realized they needed a proper church so they applied to their bishop for help. At that time this area was part of the Prince Albert diocese. With a loan from the bishop and many sacrifices on the part of the parishioners, enough money was raised to build.

On July 10, 1912, the cornerstone of the new church building was laid. Max Kasberger was the chief carpenter. St. Anthony church was built by volunteers who walked many miles from their homes to help with the construction.

The church was officially consecrated on Nov. 13, 1912. It still needed interior work but Mass could be celebrated. Three bells were ordered from the Bell Foundry of Fritz Hamm in Germany in 1913 and were hung on a stand for display until 1915 when they were raised with horses and pulleys up into the bell tower, firmly attached and covered with the steeple. Their special sound could be heard for over two miles.

The church became the centre of the district, with a rectory built for the priest. The first parish priest was Father Palm after whom the school was named. The school was moved closer to the church and a teacherage provided for the teachers.

This beautiful church served the district for 70 years until 1982, when it was closed due to a shortage of priests. The parishioners chose between attending Sacred Heart Church at Denzil or St. Mary Church in Macklin. But the people of St. Anthony parish wanted to keep alive the memory of those early settlers who brought the faith here with them.

It was decided to hold an annual Mass in memory of the pioneers and in honour of St. Anthony of Padua, on the patron saint’s Feast Day of June 13 if possible, or a date closest to that day. Local volunteers work hard to clean and prepare for this celebration.



Human trafficking was focus of 2023 Bishop’s Breakfast

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

The issue of human trafficking was discussed during presentations June 13, 2023 at a Bishop’s Breakfast organized by the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation.

Speakers were Saskatoon Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Joeline Magill of Hope Restored Canada, CWL member Diane Coté of St. John Bosco Parish, diocesan Justice and Peace Coordinator Myron Rogal, and Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation Executive Director Raissa Bugyi.

Proceeds of the breakfast will support Hope Restored Canada:

A resource for parishes and groups addressing the issue can be found at:

Bishop’s Breakfast Video: Vimeo LINK


Raissa Bugyi, Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation

Diane Cote, Catholic Women’s League

Joeline Magill, Hope Restored Canada

Myron Rogal, RC Diocese of Saskatoon Office of Justice and Peace

Pilgrimage celebrated at Blumenfeld on Corpus Christi

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

Photos by Crystal Bosch, Sacred Heart Parish, Liebenthal

Bishop Mark Hagemoen joins surrounding communities for annual pilgrimage to Sts. Peter and Paul Church and Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine

Area priests Fr. Prince Sarpong (left), Fr. Francis Appiah-Kubi, and Fr. John Abban-Bonsu joined Bishop Mark Hagemoen to celebrate the annual pilgrimage with parishioners and visitors from throughout the Leader, Lancer, Liebenthal, Fox Valley, Richmound, Burstall and Prelate areas – and beyond – for the annual pilgrimage to Sts. Peter and Paul Church and Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto at Blumenfeld, SK. (Blumenfeld Pilgrimage photos by Crystal Bosch)

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

An annual pilgrimage to the church and shrine at Blumenfeld was held Sunday, June 11, 2023, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

Pilgrimage highlights include the blessing of the graves in the church cemetery; devotions such as outdoor Stations of the Cross and the Rosary; a procession led by children scattering flower petals in procession before celebration of Mass; as well as opportunities for the sacrament of reconciliation; and social time to conclude the day.

“Celebrating the Mass at the annual Blumenfeld Pilgrimage on Corpus Christi Sunday was providential,” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen, who presided alongside area pastors Fr. Francis Appiah-Kubi (Fox Valley and Richmound) and Fr. Prince Sarpong (Leader, Lancer and Liebenthal), as well as Fr. John Abban-Bonsu (Kindersley, Eston, Marengo, Eatonia).

(Photo by Crystal Bosch)

“Although I had seen the site previously a few years ago, it was amazing to see the church, the grotto, and the entire site as it received pilgrims from the various areas of what was called the ‘St, Francis Colony’ – which now features the remaining (parish) communities from Fox Valley, Liebenthal, Richmound, Leader, and Lancer,” noted the bishop.

“The celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ reminds us that God gives us the gift of his very self to receive – to take and eat – so that we may be one with Him – in mind and heart. On Corpus Christi Sunday we also celebrate the privilege of being invited to share in giving His life to all.”

“It was amazing to see and recount the ways in which the fore-fathers and fore-mothers of the community gave of themselves for the life and faith of the families and communities of this area,” Bishop Hagemoen said.

“Especially impressive is the grotto to Our Lady of Sorrows – built in the 1930s during a very, very difficult time for the community, because of drought, depression, and developing war increasingly afflicting the world,” he said. “As an act of faith and petition – the community members travelled many miles away to pick up large river rocks to bring to the site to build the grotto – which to this day is a testimony of a heroic community’s act of faith and love for God and prayer for the care of His people.”

Our Lady of Sorrows Grotto at St. Peter and Paul Church site, Blumenfeld, SK.

The church and pilgrimage site at Blumenfeld, SK is situated on a prominent ridge with a commanding view of the surrounding serene countryside and fields.

Located on the 10-acre site are the two-story, wood-framed church, Sts. Peter and Paul, built in 1915; a fieldstone grotto shrine, which features a replica “La Pieta” sculpture dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, built in 1936; a cemetery that remains in use; a memorial cairn constructed to commemorate the church’s 50th anniversary; outdoor Stations of the Cross; and hedgerows separating the site from adjoining farm fields.


(Photo by Crystal Bosch)

The history of the 108-year-old Sts. Peter and Paul Church building includes contributions of parishioners through many decades, as well as the service and witness of Oblate priests and Ursuline sisters who served in the area.

Closed as an active parish in 1964, the Blumenfeld church has continued to serve as a gathering place for the region as the site of the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of the Sorrows that began during the Great Depression.

A volunteer committee (with membership from many surrounding communities) cares for the pilgrimage site, accepting donations for the upkeep of the church building and site. The historic church and pilgrimage site is open to touring visitors from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons throughout the summer.

(Fund-raising for the upkeep of the Blumenfeld church and pilgrimage site is ongoing. Donations can be sent to “Blumenfeld Heritage”, Box 104, Leader, SK S0N 1H0.)

Photo Gallery: LINK


From the Archives:

2014 Video to mark Blumenfeld centennial in 2015:


[Kiply Lukan Yaworski is the communications coordinator for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon]

Family fun and faith enrichment event at cathedral

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

Mass with Bishop Mark Hagemoen was followed by a barbecue supper, children’s activities, and an introduction to a marriage enrichment program, as the diocesan Adult Faith programming year wound up with an “Encounter” event June 9, 2023 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon.

After the barbecue provided courtesy of Knights of Columbus Council 8215 members, children were entertained with balloon creations by “Warren the Balloon Man” and face painting by “Kreative Mum.”

Authors and certified counsellors Melissa Guzik and Jean MacKenzie (l-r) introduced their marriage enrichment program at the event. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Meanwhile, couples were invited to a presentation by Canadian authors and registered psychologists Melissa Guzik and Jean MacKenzie, providing a sample and overview of their 10-week practical marriage enrichment program, founded on communication and exploring different dimensions of marriage, through the lens of Catholic teachings on marriage, and grounded in prayer.

Courtesy of a donation by the Knights of Columbus, each couple also received a free copy of the guest speakers’ book “To Know, Love and Serve: A Path to Marital Fullfillment,” to enable them to delve deeper and continue the conversations, prayers and discussions briefly introduced that evening.

Marilyn Jackson, Director of Ministry Services for the diocese, said the event is part of a larger diocesan effort by a new Marriage and Family Life committee established by the bishop to support marriage and family life.



The Family Fun and Faith Formation diocesan event began with Mass celebrated by Bishop Mark Hagemoen. (Photos by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


The barbecue supper was provided courtesy of the Holy Family Cathedral Knights of Columbus Council. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski)

A range of children’s activities were part of the Encounter family event June 9. (Photos by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Catholic psychologists / counsellors Melissa Guzik and Jean McKenzie presented an overview of their marriage program “To Know, Love, and Serve” which brings together the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and a practical program designed to strengthen the unity of spouses. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)


Volunteer appreciation dinner held in diocese of Saskatoon

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog
A wide range of volunteers who serve in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon — serving in ministry and outreach, on committees and commissions, in hospitals and in the prison, with youth and with families, in administration, finance, evangelization, and more — were honoured and recognized this evening at a volunteer appreciation event held June 7, 2023 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Saskatoon.
“On behalf of the diocese, I say thank you, thank you, thank you, so much,” said Bishop Mark Hagemoen.
Concluding the evening, the bishop cited 1Corinthians 12:4-7: “There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit, a variety of services but the same Lord, varieties of activities but the same God who activates all of them and everyone…to each is given the Spirit for the common good and the blessing of God’s people.”


Saskatchewan CWL provincial convention held in Saskatoon

By News

Catholic Women’s League members, spiritual advisors and a number of special guests gathered June 4 and 5 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon for the 75th annual Saskatchewan CWL provincial convention.

Themes: “Catholic and Living It” and “Walking Together”

The two-day program included talks by national CWL president Fran Lucas, speaking on the League’s theme “Catholic and Living It” from the perspective of relationships (June 4) and of servant leadership (June 5).

Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity was celebrated June 4 with Bishop Mark Hagemoen of Saskatoon, Bishop Stephen Hero of Prince Albert, Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, of St. Peter’s Abbey in Muenster and a number of CWL spiritual advisors.

Photo Gallery – LINK

Reflecting the provincial convention theme of “Walking Together” in reconciliation and understanding, the Mass during the CWL provincial convention June 4 included participation from members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Indigenous and Métis Catholic Parish in Saskatoon, with the First Nations tradition of smudging explained beforehand by parish Elder Sharon Genaille, praying in the four directions at the Great Amen, and music ministry led by the Our Lady of Guadalupe choir.

At a 75th anniversary reception and banquet that evening, Cristin Dorgan-Lee, principal of St. Michael Community School in Saskatoon reflected on Canada’s colonial history, the treatment of Indigenous Peoples, impact of the Indian Act, and the ongoing inter-generational legacy of pain and suffering caused by Residential Schools — as well as on the hope of the ongoing journey of “Walking Together” toward Truth and Reconciliation.

Awards and recognition were also part of the banquet program, including the presentation of a Maple Leaf Service Pin to Regina archdiocesan CWL president Janette Rieger, and of life memberships to Marge Appell and Helen Kayfish.

Fr. Peter Nnanga, MSP, was also recognized for his service as the provincial CWL spiritual advisor. That role will now be taken up by Fr. Francis Hengen, who was installed as provincial spiritual advisor at the closing Mass of the convention June 5.


Catholic Women’s League provincial convention held in Saskatoon

By Bishop Mark Hagemoen's blog

FIND MORE PHOTOS – Catholic Saskatoon News (LINK)

By Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News

Catholic Women’s League members, spiritual advisors and a number of special guests gathered June 4 and 5 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon for the 75th annual Saskatchewan CWL provincial convention.

CWL national president Fran Lucas presented “Catholic and Living It: Relationaships” and “Catholic and Living It: Servant Leadership” at the provincial convention June 4 and 5 in Saskatoon. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski)

The two-day program included talks by national CWL president Fran Lucas, speaking on the League’s theme “Catholic and Living It” from the perspective of relationships (June 4) and of servant leadership (June 5).

Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity was celebrated for the Catholic Women’s League gathering on June 4 with Bishop Mark Hagemoen of Saskatoon, Bishop Stephen Hero of Prince Albert, Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, of St. Peter’s Abbey in Muenster and a number of CWL spiritual advisors.

A number of priests joined Bishop Mark Hagemoen, Bishop Stephen Hero and Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB, at celebration of Mass for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, during the provincial CWL convention’s opening day June 4 at Holy Spirit Parish in Saskatoon. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski)

Reflecting the provincial convention theme of “Walking Together” in reconciliation and understanding, the Mass during the CWL provincial convention June 4 included participation from members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Indigenous and Métis Catholic Parish in Saskatoon, with the First Nations tradition of smudging explained beforehand by parish Elder Sharon Genaille, praying in the four directions at the Great Amen, and music ministry led by the Our Lady of Guadalupe choir.

Members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Indigenous and Métis Parish participated in the Mass June 4 for the CWL provincial convention in Saskatoon. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski)

At a 75th anniversary reception and banquet that evening, Cristin Dorgan-Lee, principal of St. Michael Community School in Saskatoon reflected on the Canada’s colonial history, the treatment of Indigenous Peoples, impact of the Indian Act, and the ongoing inter-generational legacy of pain and suffering caused by Residential Schools — as well as on the hope of the ongoing journey of “Walking Together” toward Truth and Reconciliation.

Saskatchewan CWL president Connie Crichton thanked Cristin Dorgan-Lee for her presentation. (Photo by Kiply Lukan Yaworski, Catholic Saskatoon News)

Awards and recognition were also part of the banquet program, including the presentation of a Maple Leaf Service Pin to Regina archdiocesan CWL president Janette Rieger, and of life memberships to Marge Appell and Helen Kayfish.

Fr. Peter Nnanga, MSP, was also recognized for his service as the provincial CWL spiritual advisor. That role will now be taken up by Fr. Francis Hengen, who was installed as provincial spiritual advisor at the closing Mass of the convention June 5.


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