Conversations about life and faith in a time of pandemic: Link to video conversations led by Bishop Mark Hagemoen
Local Masses Live-Streamed –
A central website has been established for those who wish to access live-streaming of Masses and other online resources created by priests in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon:
Several Masses are streamed and archived there daily, including live-stream broadcast at 9:00 a.m. Sunday mornings with Bishop Mark Hagemoen celebrating Eucharist at the Cathedral of the Holy Family, Saskatoon except on Easter Sunday, when Mass will be livestreamed at 10 a.m. from St. Paul Co-Cathedral. The live-stream Mass can also be viewed on the diocesan website home page
Mass on Television – Depending on particular cable and satellite plans:
Scheduling information about the broadcast of Mass in Canada can be found at, (including on the Salt+Light Catholic Network at and Vision TV at )The “Eternal Word Television Network – EWTN” American Catholic channel also broadcasts daily Mass.
Act of Spiritual Communion to unite oneself in prayer to Jesus Christ when one is unable to receive the Eucharist sacramentally:
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.– St. Alphonsus of Liguori
Prière de communion spirituelle:
Mon Jesus, Je crois que tu es reellement present dans le Tres Saint Sacrement de l’autel. Je t’aime plus que toutet je te desire dans mon âme. Puisque je ne peux pas te recevoir Sacramentellement maintenant, viens au moins spirituellement dans mon cœur. Et comme tu es deja venu, je t’embrasse et je m’unis tout entier a toi. Ne permets pas que je sois jamais separe de Toi.
Bishop Mark Hagemoen is calling for a special time of prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Fridays in the Easter season and beyond, praying for healing and protection during the COVID-19 Pandemic. More information and Resources, can be found at:
Justice and Peace Way of the Cross: in lieu of the annual outdoor Way of the Cross held in downtown Saskatoon for many years, during the COVID-19 shutdown of 2020, a virtual version was created by various individuals and groups filming their individual reflections and prayers. Share in this virtual walk with Jesus Christ and the suffering of our world, organized by the diocesan Office of Justice and Peace:
NOTE: The list of lyrics and the Stations of the Cross (scriptural version introduced by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1991), along with a list of themes and presenters can be found at: LINK to 2020 Way of the Cross Lyrics-Station Info Sheet
Online faith resources:
In addition to live-streaming of Mass and other devotions by parishes in our diocese posted at, there are a number of other online faith resources available during these times of physical distancing and isolation measures. These include:
Divine Renovation free resource for parishes: This free resource kit has insight on leading well, advice on what tools to use, and lots of practical examples from Catholic parishes innovating brilliantly around the world: Divine Renovation website.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools has also shared its link to the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ religious education program. The Student Home portal grants at-home access to videos, stories, interactive activities, and songs – all grounded in the celebration of our Catholic faith, aligned with the Church’s liturgical year. Log in online at: The username is: GIFGIC_student99 and the password is: Student99
Reflections on the Sunday Readings – The diocese of Saskatoon has posted reflections on the Sunday readings for family sharing and discussion, available at: Scripture Resources on the website
*Support your Parish through online Sunday Offering: Since offering envelopes are not possible at this time of no public celebrations of Mass, we ask you to support your parish community through online giving. The Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation has set up a webpage at that allows you to direct your donation to any parish in the diocese as a one-time or recurring monthly gift. Thank you for remembering the needs of your parish at this challenging time of the COVID-19 crisis.