Move & Installation
The journey from the Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese to the Saskatoon Diocese began with a phone call from His Excellency Luigi Bonazzi, while enroute to facilitate the Grouard-McLennen Clergy Retreat in Edmonton September 2017. Subsequently, the fall time featured pastoral visits to the various communities in the NWT in order to say goodbye, and to pray for the Holy Spirit’s continued work and blessing on the Diocese as it awaits the appointment of its new Bishop.
After knocking at the front entrance, Bishop Mark symbolically enters the Holy Family Cathedral through its main front doors at the beginning of the installation ceremony. (Photo above by Liam Richards, The Star Phoenix)
Archbishop Donald Bolan passes the crozier to Bishop Mark at the installation ceremony. The crozier is the symbol of the Bishop’s role and office as diocesan shepherd and pastor.
Bishop Mark greets family members at the Saskatoon Airport: his brother Dan, and nephew Matthew and niece Alana.
Celebration of “Vietnamese Martyrs” feast day at St. Peter The Apostle Parish in Saskatoon. The event featured the gathering of the Vietnamese clergy from both Saskatoon and Prince Albert Dioceses. The clergy also ‘showed their metal’ as they performed for the gathering.
Dynamic and Faith-filled Youth & Young Adult Education and Movements!!
The early days in the Diocese has featured attendance at the Face-to-Face Ministries “United Conference” on November 18 at Holy Family Cathedral. On December 15, I was able to visit Saint Therese Institute on its last day before students departed for their Christmas break. Wow, what faith-filled, talented, and vibrant young people. I am excited for the present and future of the Diocese of Saskatoon!!!

When I served at Corpus Christi in Vancouver as its President a number of years ago, we dreamed of the kind of 2 year program that is well established at St. Peter’s College. Building on its affiliation with the University of Saskatchewan, the College has a full two-year program that fully tracks students into virtually any degree program in Sciences, Arts, and Business. The College features on-site facilities, including completely modern classrooms, full science labs, and recreational facilities that rival any small independent college in North America! Of course, the College has built its success on its strong relationship with Saint Peter’s Benedictine Monastery.

Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB beside the printing press for the Prairie Messenger newspaper. The paper will print its last edition in April 2018. ST. Peter’s College will take over the facility for use within its 2 yearundergraduate program.
The Benedictine community welcomes Bishop Mark to Saskatoon with a special cake.
Youth & Young Adults serving the Saskatoon Community
The Greystone Singers, from the Department of Music at the University of Saskatechewan – perform before a packed audience at the Queen’s House Retreat Center Gala Event on November 21.

Students from the various Catholic schools throughout the Diocese perform at the 60th Anniversary of the Knights of Columbus sponsored “CAROL FEST” at TCU Place. Indeed, the schools showed their stuff. The Knights themselves also had a singing group who concluded the presentation.
Staff at the Saskatoon Diocese Pastoral Center get into the Christmas spirit as they serve the mid-day meal at “Friendship Inn.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at OLG Parish
On Sunday December 10 Bishops Hagemoen and Bayda, with Archbishop Murray Chatlain of Keewatin-Le Pas, celebrated with Pastor Graham Hill, CSsR and the parish community its Feast Day. Following the Mass, +Bayda gave a presentation on the devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which was followed by a ‘great feast.’
Celebration of Final Simbang Gabi Mass at St. Patrick’s Parish, Saskatoon before Christmas 2017
I had the honour of celebrating with the Filipino community of Saskatoon the conclusion of its nine-day Christmas novena celebration of Simbang Gabi on Saturday December 23 at St. Patrick’s Parish. I quickly discovered that this is also a dynamic and enthusiastic community, that knows how to pray AND celebrate!!!
Congregation and Choir enthusiastically celbration together at St. Patrick’s Church
Father Gerard Cooper, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish – and members of the Philipino community at the feast following the final Mass.
A wonderful gift of the Knights of Columbus of their famous outdoor “Holy Family Christmas scene” suddenly appeared on the front lawn of my house during the days before Christmas.
The Diocese of Saskatoon receives from and gives to the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith!!
On December 15, 2017, Pope Francis appointed the new Bishop for the Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese: REVEREND JON HANSEN, CSSR. This is very good news for the MFS Diocese. Bishop-elect Hansen had served the Arctic region of the Diocese for 2 years, after carefully discerning a call to Canada’s far north for several years previous. He had previously served as Pastor at ST. Mary’s Parish in Saskatoon – a parish pastored by the Redemptorists for many years, and featuring a special inner-city ministry.
Bishop Mark and then Fr. Jon Hansen, CSsR, during his time as Pastor of the Arctic region, celebrate Confirmations at Sacred Heart of Mary Parish in the Gwitchin community of Tsiigitchic in August 2016.
Bishop Mark at the December 2017 meeting of the Alberta-NWT Bishops Assembly. +Mark will serve as a member of the Assembly until Bishop Jon Hansen’s ordination and installation as the new Bishop of Mackenzie-Fort Smith Diocese in March 2018.
Wishing everyone in the Diocese of Saskatoon a blessed and Joy-fill Christmas and New Year’s time. Looking forward to the journey together!!
In Christ,
+Mark Hagemoen
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